Partitalia in support of startups on the Italian territory
In recent years, support for the startup ecosystem has become of primary importance for Partitalia. From 2014 to 2017, the company collaborated with Wallet-E, a digital solution for collection and payment systems. Furthermore, in 2017, Partitalia signed a stake with Sensor ID, an innovative company with operational headquarters in Campochiaro (Campobasso), founded in 2010 by a team of engineers, which operates in the field of design and production of RFID devices.
Sensor ID's business focuses on the world of the Internet of Things (RFID readers, RFID tags, wearables, IoT sensors).A win-win relationship, the one between Partitalia and Sensor ID, characterized by seriousness, competence and a specific subdivision of roles – the first deals with the commercial part (Sales and Marketing), the second with the technical one (Research and Development).
Startup Grind Pisa&Lucca and support for the startup ecosystem
Since December 2018, the CEO and founder of Partitalia, Luca Del Col Balletto , has been co-director together with Salvatore Rosania of Startup Grind Pisa&Lucca, the Tuscan chapter of the largest independent community of startups in the world, which educates, inspires and connects 3.5 million of entrepreneurs, taking advantage of the partnership with Google for Startups. Since its founding in 2010 in Palo Alto, Silicon Valley, SG has helped millions of entrepreneurs find mentorships, connect with new partners, secure funding and reach new users. Today it has over 520 chapters and is present in more than 400 cities and in 125 countries.

Startup Grind 'feeds' the startup world through periodic events with innovators, educators and investors who share experiences and learnings.
In particular, thanks to its entry into the SG network, Partitalia intends to support and develop the ecosystem of startups in the reference area: the cities of Pisa and Lucca, in fact, represent a particularly fertile territory from the point of view of research and innovation, the first due to the presence of universities – the University of Pisa, the Scuola Normale Superiore, the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, leaders in robotics –, the second due to industries in the shipbuilding, paper, sports betting, textile. Furthermore, both boast the presence of Technological Poles – the Polo of Navacchio and the Lucchese one -,where numerous companies and startups work daily on the topics of innovation and applied research, and of various Research Centres. Partitalia's goal is to subsequently extend its attention to startups throughout the country, where there is compatibility with its business.
Partitalia at the CLab Express on 7 June 2019
To train students and researchers in business culture, the Contamination Lab (CLab) is active in Pisa, a 'place of impulse' that promotes interdisciplinarity and the development of innovation projects with an entrepreneurial and social vocation. The CLab includes a basic introductory course (PhD+), in which entrepreneurial ideas are selected, and an application course (CYB+), in which a real business path is developed.
The CLab Pisa project is funded by MIUR and developed by the Technology Transfer Services Unit of the University of Pisa, in collaboration with the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, the Scuola Normale Superiore and the IMT – Scuola Alti Studi Lucca. It is part of the Italian CLab Network national network, which connects all the Italian Contamination Labs, united by the challenge of contributing to the creation of an entrepreneurial ecosystem.
The CLab Express was held on 7 June at the Fibonacci Pole of the University of Pisa, the Pisan stop on a tour that went through the peninsula's Contamination Labs, to learn about the results achieved by each university.
«The main purpose of the Contamination Lab, on the one hand, is to create an environment that favors the contamination of different cultures - because the most innovative ideas originate from this -, on the other, to remedy one of the main problems of spin-off companies, which often arise from groups of technicians who may have an excellent idea, but do not fully realize the set of multidisciplinary skills needed to move from an idea to a company reality on the market. For this reason we encourage the formation of working groups on business projects that have all the possible skills within them - explained Prof. Leonardo Bertini, scientific director of the CLab Pisa -. A relevant non-academic component is valued within the teaching staff, so that the CLab is not self-referential, but has close links with those who put the things they tell here into practice in the field».
The event – included in the communication campaign of the Italian CLab Network promoted by the CLab UniCa of the University of Cagliari, leader of the project – focused on “Support for self-entrepreneurship at an international level”. Luca Del Col Balletto was among the speakers: the CEO of Partitalia, a company that has been in business for fifteen years and today has 4,000 customers both in Italy and abroad and is present in almost all of Europe, talked about the experience with Startup Grind Pisa&Lucca: «Startup Grind is a huge community of startups, a community in which there are 3 and a half million entrepreneurs. It is used to find mentors and business partners, to support startuppers by introducing them to the right people. We cultivate the startup ecosystem with events together with company founders, innovators, investors, educators, in partnership with Google for Startups, but also with universities, research centers and companies. Our values are simple: to give, to build relationships and above all to help».