
  1. Ecosense SmartBin Pro, the innovative IoT trash can that opens via a web app from Partitalia view Partitalia flies to ‘CES 2024’ with its high-tech for waste collection
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  2. Exoskeletons in waste collection_partitalia at iswa 2023 view Work exoskeletons for the well-being of waste collection workers
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  3. Girl and slow tourism view Slow and smart, this is what tourism will be like in 2022
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  4. wooden cards by Partitalia view Partitalia’s wooden cards: bamboo, maple and lime wood
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  5. Wooden card for hotel view Wooden hotel tiles: beautiful and sustainable
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  6. Global semiconductor shortage view Chip shortage: how can we cope with the global semiconductor shortage?
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  7. Paolo Nepa view Paolo Nepa: RFID technology and evolution
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  8. Paolo Nepa view Paolo Nepa: why RFID is a revolutionary technology?
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  9. Gift card GDO and Retail view Gift cards and solidarity: the unprecedented use during the lockdown
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  10. Wearable and IoT sensor technology for workplace safety view How wearable devices and IoT sensors improve workplace safety
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  11. Near Field Communication technology view How does NFC technology work?
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  12. David Risi Risingtech view Camping Europa Cavallino chooses 'Discovery Gate' RFID readers
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  13. SIBEG and Close-to-me for social distancing view Social distancing devices: interview with S.I.BE.G. Ltd
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  14. 7 June: meeting Clab and Startup Grind view June 7 2019: Clab and Startup Grind
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  15. 5th of June: Startup Grind event view June 5 Startup Grind
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  16. the definition of industry 4.0 view Industry 4.0: what is it and how does it work?
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  17. IoT_where it applies and what it is about view What is IoT?
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